About the Author

W. Totten Reynolds is a Denver based writer, attorney, amateur historian and new rising star on the literary horizon. He also possesses a truly unique background and perspective in the areas of national defense, security, intelligence and the geopolitical realm. He is an accomplished essayist and the author of the award winning one-act dramatic play Web D’Amour, the compelling, provocative and distinctly macabre eBook short story collection, Diabolique x 3 (currently available on Amazon and Kindle) and the absolutely riveting collection of six thrilling and scintillating tales of mystery, suspense and the supernatural, Dark Side of the Shadows, which is currently available on Amazon Kindle, BookBaby’s BookShop, Apple Books, Nook, Kobo, and coming soon to other eBook and Print-On-Demand distribution platforms like Scribd and Vearsa. He is currently working on a fascinating new historical novel about one of the most remarkable and enduring enigmas involving the life and exploits of William Shakespeare. A work being crafted in a completely fresh and captivating manner, while evoking exhilarating twists on many of the most powerful and poignant images and themes so vividly portrayed in the stunning film and/or novel versions of Shakespeare in Love, The French Lieutenant’s Woman and The Last of the Mohicans. Soon to be followed by another imaginative and exciting historical novel about the last of the Nazi war crime tribunals in Europe. A story which will reveal terrible new secrets about the horrors of World War II and its aftermath, which will now also imperil the entire modern world. With these and so many more exciting and irresistible works to follow, all avid fans of scintillating tales of mystery, suspense and intrigue, replete with a potent mixture of chills, thrills and even occasional infusions of the supernatural, can reach him at his website: www.wtreynolds.com.

WARNING: Be prepared to encounter your own dark alter ego along the way.